Younus College of Polytechnic

College of Polytechnic

Chairman's Message

Welcome to Younus College of Polytechnic. I am pleased that you have chosen to spend the next 3 years of your life here. The mission of the Fathima Memorial Educational Trust is to develop this institution as a centre of excellence in technical education keeping pace with advances in the field of engineering so as to impart quality technical education to the students and to inculcate high standards of discipline and ethics in them. Let the motto of this institute lead you to become high calibrated engineers so that you may serve our nation with a sense of responsibility and pride. 

About Us

By the mercy and blessings of Allah, today we are one of the largest and oldest groups in the field of education with more than 10 educational institutions located at different parts of Kollam district. 

Fathima Memorial Educational Trust was established in 1991 by the Founder Dr. A Younus Kunju in memory of his great mother. His wife Mrs. Dhareefa Beevi is designated as the Secretary of the trust. His sons and daughters are the members of the trust. All existing institutions were then unified under the Fathima Memorial Educational Trust. Thereafter all new institutions were started under the trust. 

Vice Chairman's Message

Younus group of Institutions has everything to cater to the needs of the students who wish to undergo a technical transformation in their life. The management and the faculty are committed to providing a world-class atmosphere both in terms of infrastructure and knowledge.

“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela

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